Hi! I'm Jun

I am an iOS developer with a passion for delivering outstanding apps that provide seamless user experiences.


Path for Personalities

Sole Developer


An app suggests various paths based on the results of your personality test


UIKit, RESTful API, CocoaPods, CoreData, Xib (Interface Builder), Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) etc



Interval Timer One

Sole Developer

"I prefer spending minimal time navigating an app for my quick interval workouts." - Jun


An interval timer app with essential features only, devoid of rarely utilized features

Lessons Learned

• App review process
• Better insights into the MVC design pattern
• Managing timer's transitions, aligned with Apple's guidelines
• Employing time-scheduled AVAudioSessions with GCD(Grand Central Dispatch)
• Using CoreData and UserDefaults in separate ways each serving its purpose
• Ensuring compatibility Swift version assessment with Incorporated CocoaPods
• Multi-device compatibility using Autolayout
• Incorporating Xib to achieve better design goals 


Swift, UIKit, Timer, AVFoundation, CocoaPods, CoreData, UserDefaults, Autolayout, Xib (Interface Builder), GCD, UITableView, Git

Fintwit Score


For entertainment purposes only. This app isn't a financial advising instrument in any shape or form.


Simple app that returns current "Twitter sentiment score" for queried stock ticker

Lessons Learned

• Utilizing CocoaPods to minimize manual configurations
• Utilizing the CreateML framework to train and modify a machine learning model
• Working with Twitter's API, parsing JSON
• GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) for progress updates during API networking
• General comprehension of CoreML has improved
• Multi-device compatibility using Autolayout


Swift, UIKit, CocoaPods, CoreML, CreateML, API, Autolayout, GCD, Git

Tech News



App that shows a list of latest / popular tech news

Lessons Learned

SwiftUI & Declarative Programming environment 
Observer design pattern
• Importance of various property wrappers
• Experimenting with different view stacks
• Utilizing SwiftUI's List view
• Incorporating a WebView 
• Understanding SwiftUI's approach to view layout and spacing


UIKit, SwiftUI, API, Git

Weather Now



App that displays current weather conditions

Lessons Learned

• working with JSON parsing
• Remapping search input during JSON parsing
• MVC design pattern
• Working with delegate design pattern
• Insight into CoreLocation framework's features
• Updating the user interface dynamically
Codable protocol
• Incorporating Stack Views for AutoLayout configuration


UIKit, CoreLocation, API, Autolayout, GCD, Git


Programming Languages & Tools

• Swift
• Xcode
• Adobe Photoshop
• Python


Apart from being an iOS Developer

Apart from being an iOS Developer, I enjoy eating good food while having a good time with my family. I have also recently delved into the world of coffee, learning about the nuances of how small changes can affect the final cup, which has been addictively fun.